Hello, world...again!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Everything that should customarily be said in the first post--what this site is about, how things are going to be like--are all already on the sidebar.

Anyhow, just for the sake of the first introductory post,

"Mini sister site to the main Books R Love.
Why 'Stuff R Love'? Because unlike Books R Love, there is no focus on any particular product.
It's a delightful jumble of everything useful and/or pretty.
This site won't be updated very frequently--hence the word mini--but do check back from time to time for cool stuff! Cliche but true: you'll never know what you might find.

There we go. Now let's move on to the more important bit: the actual STUFF ;)


Sha-Lene said...

Hehe! Stuff R Love! :)

Books R Love said...

You are fast ;)

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